Saturday, June 28, 2008

10 Tips You Should Include In Your Life To Lose Weight and Be In Shape Faster.

1) Design your resistant training program on a multi-station basis

Instead of taking a rest between series of the same exercise, you can alternate different muscles training in fashion that lets certain muscles rest while training another group of muscles. You wlll be working more at the same time and will burn fat much faster than if you rest between series of the same exercise. keep the rest intervals as short as possible.

2) Each meal you have must be composed on a protein base.

Proteins have a thermic effect about double over fats and carbs, what does this mean? the digestion process itself burns calories and when you consume proteins in each meal you will be burning more calories to just digest them even when you are resting, you´ll be mantaining your lean muscless mass as well because when cosume proteins you are giving your body a stedy amount of amino acids, this way you will be increasing lean muscle and burning fat
at the same time.

If you want a detailed program of foods and exercise routines to get in shape fast go to this link:

3) You have to drink enough water.

There is a very important fact about our lean muscles, they are made up by about 70% water and 20% more or less of protein so, in order to maintain the optimal work of our muscles while training we need to be optimally hydrous. We need to consume a minimum of 1/2 ounce of water per each pound of weight a day.

4) Instead of Isolation exercises, perform Compounded Ones.

Compounded exercises make work different muscles at the same time, this way you are working more in less time as well as burning more fat and optimizing your time utilization. In addition compound exercise has shown to encourage the production of anabolic hormones that helps to mantain lean muscle. with isolated exercise that attempt to train only one muscle at a time we can´t see this effect.

5) Prefer the High Intensity Cardio Workout to the Low Intensity one.

There is a difference between both cardiovascular workouts: When you perform Low Intensity one you enter to the so called "fat burning zone" where 90% of the energy demanded comes from fat cells, on the other hand High Intensity cardiovascular workout energy comes about 70% from fat cells so there is a math fact here, when you perform a determined amount of time of both kinds you will burn let´s say 800 calories when working on High intensity and 300 when working on Low intensity, thus you are burning 560 and 270 fat cells respectively. From this point of view if you want to burn more fat cells you must perform High Intensity one.

6) Work with Free Weights instead of Machines.

Every time you can, use free weights instead of machines. Machines most of the time support you and keep a lot of your muscles in a resting mode, on the other hand when you use free weights you are working a lot of muscles to stabilize your body, so in the fat burning phase it`s much better to use free weights instead of machines.

If you like to learn exactly what exercises to perform with illustrations go to this link:

7) Have Your Breakfast Everyday

After 8 hours or so of fasting our body requires imperiously to consume certain nutrients or it will take them from our body´s proteins basically. That´s something that we don´t want certainly neither if we want to lose fat nor if we want to build our muscles, so it`s highly recommendable to have a protein based meal in your breakfast everyday.

8) Eat 5 to 6 times per day.

If you eat each 2 1/2 or 3 hours you are stimulating muscle development as well as fat burning and you will never be hungry. Obviously the helpings must be smaller than if you have 3 meals a day.

9) Compense the Low Fat Diets

It is not good to private your body of carbs for a long time, if you are in a very low carb diet you must "carb up" occasionally, this way you will mantain your metabolism active an be on the right way to lose weight.

If you want a complete explanation about how to design an optimal diet for you go to this link:

10) Sleep Well

The inner knowledge shows that it´s very important to sleep from 7 to 9 hours to be in optimal shape. Certain studies have found that not sleeping well may rise the cortisol levels and this affects our proteins in 2 ways, breaking them down and inhibiting their synthesis, this is very bad for lean muscle building and their maintainance, so make sure you sleep well.

I hope this helps.

Best Regards,

Daniel Cajiga

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